Learning how to follow through

Today’s post was initially going to be centered around something more positive than dissecting my fallen projects. As I begin feeling unmotivated however, I realized that nothing would bring me greater pleasure than finishing the projects I’ve started. In that realization, I’ve also come to terms with wanting to accomplish so much and feeling that pressure from the clock.

Here’s my first reminder of the day: Time is an illusion! If we continue to live life by a clock, we’ll always believe we’re out of time, rushing to haphazardly accomplish tasks, and often times letting go of a desire to accomplish something because of believing that there’s just no time to do it. I won’t place my blames as to why we are programmed this way, but will just simply say I’m ready to de-program myself.

My personal level of procrastination is undoubtedly linked to my true nature.  And while I can recognize that, I can also recognize other deeply rooted issues that have prevented me from moving forward.  In this single recognition, progress has been made.  I recognize the need to value myself more and understand that I have nothing but time.

At a young and vibrant 30 something, time is on my side!  I briefly fell into the mentality trained by an alternate existence – believing that I had to compare my life to others who are of similar age, and often feeling defeated by seeing younger professionals excel at a quick pace.  They could never travel my road, and I could never travel theirs.  For our journeys are only meant for us.  Whatever we are to receive through them and from them, is exclusively meant for us.

Cheers to fulfilling my own prophecies – starting with finishing this post!

~*~ Love and Light ~*~