The Explosion….

So one day something just exploded in my head-

I decided that I was ready to get up and get moving with my life. Enough of being afraid – enough of worrying about the next steps and feeling like I needed someone to point me in the right direction.

For so long I had been interested in making a place for myself in the world – you know, not hiding anymore. I spent a lifetime of hiding.. at least that’s how it felt. I wanted to follow my passions, but felt hindered. Wanting to get involved in networking groups; with other parents; in social media – but somehow felt like I needed courage to do so. I was hiding within. Something helped to break that shell free, and while I still may struggle from time to time, I am now giving myself permission to be free. To Live. To Love. To be happy.

I am reading this book, which I’ll talk about in another posting, but I’m really enjoying it. “Eat Pray Love.” I’m walking away with some perils of wisdom, simply in reading about someone else’s experience with getting through life’s hurdles.

Can’t wait to share… SO much more to come.

~*~ Love & Light ~*~

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